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The Absolutely true diary

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The Absolutely true diary

Junior also called Arnold live in USA and his parents are originally from India. His family consists of he, his mother, his father and his older sister. Arnold go through many things and many of the things is because he comes from India.

Arnold only have two friends, one is a human and the other is his dog. Arnold lives in a place where all the people there are from India. Arnold describe in the book that the most indians drinks a lot of alcohol and smoke, some of them also take drugs. This results in that many indians die in young age. The most indians are very poor and they don’t have the same conditions like people who is from the US which means that they don’t live like the americans.

Arnold loved his dog but after his dog’s death,  he only had one friend left. One day Arnold went to see his dog and saw that the dog just laid down and was depressed. The dog didn’t have the same energy like it usually do, so he knew something was wrong. Arnold shouted to his father, when his father arrived he saw that the dog was sick. His father told him to go home to his friends, because his father will do something and don’t want Arnold to be there at the time. Arnold did as his father said, he walked out of the house and started to run to his friend. When Arnold least expected he heard a shot, a shot that came from his own house. It was his father who had killed his dog. His parents had no money to pay for the medical care of the dog, so he decided to shot the dog and not let it suffer.

Arnold is a boy who starts at an American school, he did this after talking with his teacher from his former school. He didn’t only change school, he also lost his second and last friend. Arnold tries to explain that he will not betray him or abandon the Indian people. He just wanted to test new ways and experiences. But his friend didn’t understand this and told Arnold that their friendship was over.

Arnold’s favorite sport is basketball and his pretty good at it. In his previous school, it was his friend who was the best player, but now that he started at the American school it was he who was the best. There was a girl that Arnold really liked, and he wanted her as his girlfriend. So he does a lot trying to get connection with her, but did he make it?

I think this book is one of best i’ve ever read. Because it was a very interesting story, but at the same time it was fun. There are things that could happened in real life. The story really touched me and I could see Arnold in front of me crying because the dog death, but also trying to figure out what to do to get closer to that girl.

Forrest Gump

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Forest Gump

Forest Gump is a very inspired and successful man. He seems to be very stupid sometimes but his actually way smarter. Specially people who don’t know Forrest Gump judge him and thinks that his very stupid and incompetent. He kind of show you that everything is not impossible in live, everything is possible you just have to try and fight for it. So from being considered as stupid he become a top athlete, a hero in the Vietnam war and a successful businessman.
Forrest is a fast learner, a good example of this is when he starts to play table tennis and become very good at it in a short time. Another is when he’s told to assemble a weapon, he makes it look like he has done it so many times before.
But hi’s also very influenced by others around, he can’t really make decisions for himself. He pretty does everything he’s told to do. A good example is when Jenny told him to run.


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Min affärsidé


Företagsidé: Ett företag som erbjuder dig personlig träning. Jag kommer jobba själv i början, går det bra för företaget kommer jag anställa andra erfarna tränare. Jag kommer att rikta mig mot personer som vill och behöver träna. Det kan vara människor kan vara överviktiga eller bara vill träna för att vara i form.


Min tjänst ska man köpa för att jag erbjuder dig bra träning efter dina önskningar och behov till ett rimligt pris. Jag erbjuder också rehab-träning. Hur långt ett träningspass är bestämmer kunden, men det måste vara i halvtimmes intervaller då jag tar betalt för varje halvtimme, som kostar 249kr. Jag erbjuder också kostråd.  Min tjänst finns tillgänglig från måndag-fredag mellan 10.00-18.00 och söndagar samma tid. När du har tränat klart hos mig så erbjuder jag dig ett par CD-skivor som innehåller en mängd olika träningspass och övningar, och en med kostråd. Detta för att du ska kunna fortsätta träna på egen hand utan extra kostnad. Jag har ett avtal med ett gym vilket betyder att jag och mina kunder kommer in gratis. Jag betalar dock en årlig avgift till dem för detta. När kunden kommer till mig för första gången kommer vi att sätta oss ner och planera träningspassen efter hon/hans behov.


Man kan köpa min tjänst via telefon eller så kan man boka tid via internet. När jag tar emot deras förfrågan så garantera jag svar inom 24 timmar. Om det någon gång är stor efterfrågan så kommer jag begränsa tiden man får vara hos mig till 6 månader sedan kommer någon som står i kö få ta denna plats. Går det bra för företaget så kommer jag anställa andra, och därmed kommer jag kunna ha fler kunder.


Folk kommer att kunna hitta min tjänst på bland annat Facebook där jag kommer ha en egen sida så den kommer nå ut till väldigt många. Jag kommer även ha en egen hemsida med all information och priser. I början kommer jag att dela ut flygblad men jag kommer även sätta upp lappar på t.ex lyktstolpar, köpcentrum och andra platser.



249kr för 30 minuter



Transport – bensin till och från gymmet.

Den årliga avgiften till gymmet.



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Sleeping Habits

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Write a few sentences about your sleeping.

EX: Are you an early bird or night owl?

When do you usually go to bed?

At what time would you like to start school in the morning?

It depends on which day it is. Monday to thursday I usually go to bed around ten o’clock. But if it’s weekend a go to bed later, around twele – one o’clock in the morning. I would like to start school at nine o’clock. I think it’s a good time, cause it’s very hard to wake up like 7 a.m and your often tired while you’re in the school. I think everybody would feel better starting 9 a.m, and I also think the students will achieve a lot better just because they have had enough sleep and are well rested.

Matematik – Bondelösningen

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